What does the new moon in Taurus mean to you?

May 12, 2023 0 Comments

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At this new Moon in Taurus on May 19, 2023, we experience the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, and the North Node in one earth sign. We also see Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and Mars and Venus in Cancer, bringing a water element to the new Moon in Taurus.

With many planets moving in Taurus or forming aspects with planets in Pisces and Cancer, this New Moon gives us an abundance of intuition that we can feel, align with, and discover as we explore our intentions. It encourages perception over action and introspection over external observation.

This is a new moon to sit in the stillness of the morning and feel the power of your intuitive knowledge. This is a new moon to remember that you already have the answers if you want them.

What does the new moon in Taurus mean to you?

When you travel this new moon, remember permission. Allow yourself to simply be with the vibrations that are coming your way and rising within you. Listen to the quiet whisper of your inner knowing and let go of the need to force anything. Instead, be with what is, silently knowing what is about to happen.

As you work with this new Moon in Taurus, feel the inner resources available to you. This Moon has the potential to help you use the skills you already possess to create harmony and balance in your life. It’s a reminder that you have all the resources or tools you’ll ever need to navigate life today, tomorrow, and the day after that.

Feel the resilience of your soul, the creativity of your energy and the power of your mind. You already have so many tools to help you find your center and hold on to it as life moves around you. These tools can take the form of mantras, breathwork, sensory communication, trust, or inner knowing. They are always available to you at any time. You just need to remember that they exist.

When you fully understand that you have the inner resources to navigate any situation, it’s easy to leave your comfort zone and take risks that will lead you to a life you love. You already have many skills to calm your nervous system or process your emotions. Feel them this new moon. Also, feel your confidence, courage, and fortitude and begin to see them as resources that can bring you peace back when life takes turns.

Instead of worrying about what might happen or hesitating because of fear of the unknown, this new moon asks you to feel your power and excitement. Yes, you will have anxieties, fears, and doubts, but you can move forward in spite of them. And even if your worst case scenario comes true, you have the ability to creatively solve problems and achieve the best case scenario.

With the Moon and Sun sextile Neptune in Pisces, you are being reminded to get your dreams. Spend time doing nothing, daydream and be open to inspiration. Let the visions arise in your mind. Allow yourself to capture your dreams and experience them. Be curious. Imagine they are real.

The new Moon’s message is loud and clear: don’t fear the unknown. Be afraid of not finding your potential. It’s time to imagine a version of yourself that stays calm in the face of adversity and knows how to handle any potential challenge.

The Taurus New Moon also forms a sextile aspect to Mars in Cancer, reminding us to be open to new passions arising from our intuition. Perhaps there is something we desire in our lives but are afraid to pursue. The New Moon is a time to acknowledge your fear, learn from it, and let go of its control. It’s time to leave the cozy and familiar and instead seek out what makes you feel alive.

You may feel a mixture of fear and excitement. This is how you will know that you are on the right track. Feel your inner resources that help you put aside your fears, get rid of hesitation and remember that you can bravely face anything. Lean into your tools and imagine yourself calm and ready.

As you ride the beautiful vibrations of this new Moon in Taurus, feel your potential to create the life you desire and deserve. It belongs to you. But this new Moon is not for doing. It’s about showing up, connecting and getting answers. It’s about following your intuition and knowing that it will always lead you to where you need to be. You don’t have to worry about the details or fear the unknown. All you need to remember is that you are worthy of abundance in any form. And you already have all the resources you need to implement your ideas.

Your invitation

During Taurus season, look for opportunities to lighten up your life, slow down, and find peace. Taurus connects us with nature and reminds us that its power always supports us. Go outside and feel the wind on your face, sink your bare feet into the warm earth and listen carefully to the birdsong around you. Watch the sun set, the moon rise and lie under the stars.

Immerse yourself in pure presence, connecting with nature. Let this connection bring you back to the simple pleasures of life. Let these small moments remind you that you are sustained by the greater universe of which you are a part.

Taurus helps us simply find presence. This season is not about drama or upheaval. This is an opportunity to adjust your nervous system. Throughout this season, keep asking yourself what the simplest answer might be. Resist the urge to overthink or spend too much time searching for logical solutions. Instead, tune into your gut. Allow the answers you seek to emerge and then trust them. Trust your gut and believe that some things in life really can be easy.

When you find simplicity, you also find space. Without the overwork of the mind to complicate things, your senses can breathe. It is time to reflect from a safe distance about the path traveled. Without wallowing in your emotions or inner drama, you can find insights and higher meaning.

By sitting in the present moment, you can feel your inner peace and ability to weather any storm. You are your own rock. You can always rely on yourself, and you can always rely on nature around you. From this peaceful place, you can take risks, leave your comfort zone and forge a new path. Once you realize that you can always return home and always find the wisdom to heal your soul, your world opens up. You can find your creativity in the silence of your mind.

Let the rhythms of nature bring you home to your peace and quiet. Feel your self-worth and know that you deserve everything you want. You are worth slowing down and you are worth your undivided attention. Stay present with yourself and connect with the beauty around you. Experiment with tools that calm your nervous system and create frequencies that calm your mind.

Then you can share your creations with the world without fear of rejection. You can do what scares you. And you can take a leap of faith to build the life of your dreams. You can do all this because you know that you have the greatest security of all: yourself.

Learn more about the new Moon in Taurus, including additional astrological insights and journaling tips, in the Taurus Season + New Moon Workbook, from which the above is taken.

About our contributor

Jill Wintersteen is the founder of Spirit Daughter, a lifestyle brand dedicated to helping you live your best life through understanding the energy of the universe. She also writes workbooks for each full moon as well as other astrological events. Follow her on Instagram @spiritdaughter.

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