Mother’s Day Special: The Best of Motherhood (Part 1)

May 10, 2023 0 Comments

Sunday is Mother’s Day and we have a special 2-part episode this week! To honor and thank all the moms and mothers in our community, we’ve put together a series filled with insight and advice from some of my favorite episodes about motherhood.

In this best episode, we talk about taking care of yourself as a mother, finding community and friendship, avoiding burnout, and parenting and life. As a bonus for Mother’s Day, we have a second series coming out tomorrow! Come back Thursday when we talk about feelings of sexuality, overcoming shame, guilt, and more!

Please enjoy understanding, shared challenges, and talk about being a mother and learning to thrive.

In this episode: (Links to the original episodes are included in each title if you want to go back and study the entire conversation!)

  • The ups and downs of motherhood with Dayna Kurtz: author, speaker and licensed social worker Dayna Kurtz talks about her new book, Mom Matters: The Complete Guide to Being a Happy, Healthy Mom. We have a very fun and lively conversation about “motherly care”, the ever-changing role of a mother, and the “fair fight” with your partner, as well as the many ups and downs new parents face on the parenting adventure.
  • The Importance of Community with Jessica Pelley: Director of Event Programming and Operations Maternal, Jessica Pelley and I have a lively conversation about how society has changed compared to generations past, the impact of online parenting, and how to find your “company” in this transition. The Beatles were absolutely right: “I get by with a little help from my friends.”
  • Mom, Burnout, We Are Failed Mothers with Diana Spaulding: Motherly’s director of health and wellness, author and certified nurse-midwife Diana Spaulding and I.I., share what drove her desire to make a difference in the interests of mothers and their burdens. Diana shares her thoughts on how we can heal and improve modern motherhood through individual, family and societal change.
  • How to Have a Baby and Life: A Survival Guide with Erica Suter: Erika Suter, journalist and book author, Having a Baby and Life: A Survival Guide explains what it means to continue to escalate your career while remaining a parent. She also gives solid advice on the importance of boundaries and how to set them, as well as finding personal space in your life. This episode is a must-listen for all parents looking for balance in their lives.

Unfortunately, we experienced a technical issue with our latest episode: Child protection in your marriage with Michelle Kanarik. Honestly, this whole episode is a gem. Licensed clinical psychologist and mother of two young children, Michelle Kanarik, dives into the tools you can use to strengthen your relationship with your partner. Click on the title to listen to this episode!

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