How to work with the magical new moon in Gemini this weekend

June 17, 2023 0 Comments

This month’s New Moon arrives on Sunday, June 18 at 12:37 a.m. ET, in none other than the sign of Gemini. As astrology expert Imani Quinn tells mindbodygreen, the new moon is always a time to start something new and fresh, and there’s nothing Gemini loves more than keeping things interesting by encouraging us all to get out there, socialize, and/or try something new.

There is however, a caveat. Neptune, the planet of illusion, will square the sun, moon, and Mercury, which Quinn says can make things a little hazy or confusing. And as the Astrotwins point out in their weekly review, “As boundary-blurring Neptune blurs boundaries this new month, be careful before declaring a new acquaintance your Insta-best.”

They also add that this square between the Moon and Neptune can make you feel more distracted than usual, which Quinn explains will make you want to double down on your insight. “Be discerning about new things and new people you meet, but be careful not to let fear rule you. Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them, and keep your boundaries in place when necessary,” she says.

Speaking of boundaries, Saturn will turn retrograde in Pisces just before the new moon, which Quinn says could bring some deeper spiritual lessons to the surface.

And if you’re wondering what the planet of love is up to, Quinn notes that she recently moved into passionate and dramatic Leo. “Venus is a very fun and sociable place, so combined with the new moon in charismatic Gemini, it’s great energy for meeting new people, being bold and going out,” she explains.

Overall, this new moon asks us to live our lives with curiosity and openness. Not only that, but since it’s the last new moon before the summer solstice, Quinn says it’s a great opportunity to figure out how you want your summer to go and set some intentions.

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