How to lighten hair without a lightener: 5 tips from a colorist

May 17, 2023 0 Comments

Let’s get to the point: you won’t see a drastic difference in your hair color without using a lightener. Sure, some methods can change the tone of your hair, which can make it brighter, but it’s almost impossible to see a bleach-like effect without using the real thing.

Not to mention, using at-home, natural, or homemade options doesn’t mean it’s inherently better for your hair. Quite the opposite! Many popular DIY hair lightening methods can potentially do more damage to your locks than simply visiting a colorist.

And frankly, bleach isn’t that bad. If you and your stylist use this ingredient strategically and carefully, your hair can be nothing short of amazing. How so? “Taking it slow, completing the project overtime in separate sessions,” says mbg Emily Clare, Davines Colorist, Educator, and Stylist at Rob Peetoom Salon NYC.

That said, it’s still fair to ask what other methods can lighten your hair tone. Especially if you’re not looking for a color overhaul, but just maybe want to boost the brightness.

Below are several possible options.

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