Do you have an emergency plan for your pet? Here is your guide

If disaster strikes, the last thing you want is to rush in at the last minute to help your pet. A disaster plan means preparation prematurely so that all family members, including pets, are ready for anything. As disaster relief experts, we reached out to Hill’s Pet Nutrition to understand what it takes to put together a plan, and we’re sharing it with you step-by-step!
1. Use a microchip and/or collar ID
Microchipping can help increase the chances of getting a lost cat or dog back. Whether there’s a terrible storm brewing or someone leaves the back gate open, we’ll always be thankful we took that simple step. But even with a microchip, make sure your pet has an ID collar with up-to-date contact information.
2. Know where your pet is hiding.
When our pets are scared or feel threatened, they often react by hiding. But when disaster strikes, time is of the essence. Know exactly where your pet is going when they’re scared (think thunder and fireworks) so you can evacuate faster if necessary.
3. Determine a place convenient for pets in case of evacuation.
Wildfires, hurricanes, floods—evacuation is sometimes the only way to guarantee safety. Make sure you identify a place where you can evacuate your pets. Just in case, talk to a friend or family member who loves your pet and cares about their safety as much as you do.
4. Carry a photo of your pet in case you get separated.
As they say, prepare for the worst, but hope for the best. If you ever get separated from your pet, keep a photo of them handy. This can help rescuers identify and return your furry friend if he goes missing. We’re guessing you don’t have a shortage of photos on your phone, but throw a hard copy in your wallet just in case.
5. Keep a pet carrier or crate handy.
When our pets are scared, they tend to run or react. Place a pet carrier or crate to transport your pet more comfortably and safely. Pro tip: Line your stroller with a quick-absorbing pad beforehand so you don’t have to worry about accidents.
6. Create an emergency kit for your pet.
Expecting the unexpected is smart pet parenting, and an emergency kit is the essence of preparedness. According to Hill’s Pet Nutrition, your emergency kit should include: