Community Birth Story: The Wildest Night of My Life with Alexis Field

May 16, 2023 0 Comments

Today on Yoga Birth | babies we have an absolutely fascinating, fascinating and very New York birth story. As my guest Alexis Field said, “It was the bravest night of my life and the birth I always hoped for.”

I have listened to birth stories for years and love every single one. What I really love about Alexis’ birth story is that not only is Alexis (the birth parent) fantastic, inspiring and exciting, she is also a doer. She knows how to hold space and really tell a story. You will be amazed when you hear Alexis talk about how her birth was, it’s really wild.

For those of you who live here in New York, I know you can imagine the five-story rise where she lives (and how her husband has to help people in and out of the building). Alexis will have you on the edge of your seat. I’m so glad you feel inspired and excited and rooting for Alexis throughout her story.

In this episode you will learn:

  • Learn a little about Alexis.
  • How Alexei prepared for childbirth.
  • What was Alexis’ mindset when he attended childbirth classes.
  • The tools Alexis found most helpful during labor and how they compare to what she planned to use.
  • How Alexis’ experience as an artist helped her navigate labor and delivery.
  • What was the postpartum period like for Alexis.
  • One tip/advice Alexis would like to give to new and expectant parents.
  • Where you can find Alexis’ work and contact her.

About Alexis:

Ever since Alexis made her way to a production of Fiddler on the Roof at the Community Theater at the age of 4, she has maintained her passion for being in the spotlight. An actress based in New York, Alexis’ performances have ranged from innocent to raunchy, with nothing recognizable at the center. During her first trimester, Alexis produced/wrote/starred in her one-woman concert Tindering Across America, a musical chronicle of her real-life search for love while on tour with the show 50 Shades! A musical parody”. A modern renaissance girl, Alexis is also a certified Kripalu yoga instructor and part-time children’s music teacher at the Children’s Museum of Manhattan and Tig & Peach in Pelham, New York. Although now she is enjoying being a new mom and singing to her 3-month-old baby. Anita Lennox.

Contact Oleksiy:

Instagram: @LexIntheCity1

  • Don’t forget to grab your FREE guide, 5 simple solutions for the most common pains during pregnancy HERE
  • If you like what you’ve heard, please leave a rating and review! Yoga Birth|Babies (Apple) or on Spotify!

To connect with Deb and the PYC community:

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Youtube: Prenatal Yoga Center

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