Are you a mystic? Explore the realm of the mystical archetype

Below is an excerpt from Sage, Huntress, Lover, Queen: Access Your Power and Creativity Through Sacred Feminine Archetypes Mara Branscomb. Explore the Archetypes with Mara (Lover, Huntress, Sage, Queen) on Wanderlust TV with a free 14-day trial!
TThe mystic engages in soulful practices to build his stable, ever-evolving inner house of spirits. Her craft is to weave ways of contemplation, inner practices and rituals throughout the day. Identifying and listening to current internal impulses is a loom. This becomes the Mystic’s daily superpower. The practice of discerning an authentic impulse versus a fear-based pattern continues. It is important to understand how the narrative of the past limits, obscures, and feeds an illusory life. Being curious and unattached to the outcome of an idea or vision is one of the best tools with which the Mystic builds his inner sanctum. Through such dedication and commitment to self-exploration, a deeper field of consciousness and a higher vibrational frequency grows. This magnetic energy inspires others to do the same. Being the best version of yourself means constantly returning to the Mystic’s code of presence and truth, which naturally animates the essence of wonder at every step of the journey.
The mystic builds his spiritual house
Igniting the inner Mystic means making a vow to take care of yourself. It means living with the awareness that each day is a living ceremony that directs the essential self. To live with the belief that the present moment is the only one. Yes, the past informs the present and we hold our prayers and intentions to create our future.
Essential to the integrity of the mystic is finding a balance in how we listen to the inner self and how we tune into external ecosystems in both the mundane and sacred realms. On the one hand, monitor your thought patterns, your use of words and language both internally and externally, and how you anchor yourself in your daily life. On the other hand, pay attention to how you connect with otherworldly energies — dreams, visions, intuitive downloads. These two worlds must not be separated in order to obtain wholeness in the vision of the Mystic.
Are you the same person on the yoga mat or meditation cushion when you need to stand up for your truth and assert personal boundaries? Can you understand Mystic’s perspective while having a heated argument with a family member or cooking dinner for your hungry children?
This is often a challenge at the moment; we tend to turn away from unpleasant feelings. But the discipline is to return to them. Put a beginner’s mind into the situation and be present to both your bodily sensations and your desire to check. This process requires patience and a willingness to let go and be vulnerable. However, the more you do it, the easier it gets. The next breath is always waiting to bring you back home to your body.
Keep track of your progress
Slowing down, developing a daily meditation practice, completing your day with morning and evening rituals, enjoying the rhythms of nature and creating times of silence will support the inner alchemy of the Mystic. With constant, rhythmic dedication to work and fewer distractions from the media, the intuitive voice will come forward. Your daily commitment is to follow your inner voice and trust it.
Begin slower, more mindful practices without the goal of individual gain or enlightenment; rather engage with them to feel oneness with yourself and the outer ecosphere. It creates an awakening of love over separation, truth over fear.
Immersion in nature develops your sixth sense and attunes your consciousness to greater powers. The rhythms and pure energy of the natural world teach you to trust your own way of perceiving, receiving and understanding your inner Mystic.
Ether is the most mysterious, incomprehensible of the elements, and yet it is the energy that unites earth, air, fire and water. Its subtle and invisible quality is associated with the heavenly realms and the upper world of the cosmos. As you attune your consciousness to both the visible and invisible worlds, you begin to observe energy as it moves and changes moment by moment. As we improve our ability to receive and perceive what lives in our natural environment, we naturally begin to experience a vibrational frequency known as the etheric plane. We pick up clues through our subtle body. We expand our vision to include wonder and magic.
Silence is a gateway to creative impulses. The frequency of flow, subtlety and conscious communication becomes a living, breathing creative process. Creativity is an internal process and a journey.
Over time, the grand “Who am I?” a question arises. It is at this point that your inner Mystic has come to begin a deeper exploration of your personal and collective life experience. Wonder how you can work through life’s obstacles every day and deal with stressors as they arise; magic lives here.
Sage, Huntress, Lover, Queen: Accessing Your Power and Creativity Through the Sacred Feminine Archetypes bp Mara Branscombe © 2023 Findhorn Press. Printed by permission of the publisher Inner Traditions International.
Mara Branscombe is a mother, writer, yogi, artist, teacher, mindfulness leader, ceremonialist, and spiritual coach. She passionately weaves the arts of mindfulness, self-care, creativity, mind-body practices, and earthly rituals into her life and work, and has been leading a community ceremony since 2000.
An adventure seeker, Mara swam the Atlantic Ocean, traveled the Himalayas, studied yoga in India, planted trees in northern Canada, lived off the grid in a remote cabin in the woods, taught at a Waldorf School (Steiner School) and then found her passion for dance and choreography . All this time, yoga, meditation, mysticism and rituals were at the heart of Mara’s journey. Her training in the shamanic lineage of the Incas and the Pagan tradition greatly inspired her to work on earthy, ceremonial, purposeful and heart-centered life and love.
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