9 easy ways to make new friends as an adult

June 8, 2023 0 Comments

Does it all take more effort than sitting around waiting for your dream friends to show up like UPS packages? So. Is it scary because there might be rejection or disappointment? So.

But often the only way to change is to start doing things differently and put what we’ve learned into practice. Many of us work so hard on ourselves; we go to therapy, read books about attachment, trauma, and connection (I mean, hey, you’re here, dude).

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve wanted to untangle all those knots, twisted like crap headphones, so I can just lie in the grass and listen to the song I love so much. And yes, those knots are frustrating, and yes, you may want to give up, and you do sometimes.

But as soon as we untangle them, little by little, then we move on to joy. And maybe we’ll remember how hard it was to untangle the knots, but I think more than anything we’ll be more concerned with how happy we are with what we have now that we’ve done the work.

Excerpt from the new book YOU WILL FIND YOUR PEOPLE: HOW TO MAKE MEANINGFUL FRIENDSHIPS AS AN ADULT Lane Moore, published by Abrams Image

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