4 ways an introvert can find more daily peace

June 20, 2023 0 Comments

The personality of an introvert requires special attention which are not always found in our extroverted world.

If you’re an introvert, this article will help you navigate your everyday interactions and experiences, and arm you with self-care practices that will realign your spirit and re-energize you.

Jenny and I talked about being introverts the first weekend night we attended. So when we found ourselves between the tables and the perimeter wall of the room watching everyone dance, it became clear why. Even though it was the end of the retreat and a time to celebrate with new friends, we were more inclined to watch rather than be in the center of the dance floor.

Introverts feel energized after interacting with the right people, but feel drained after superficial conversations.

One of the things Jenny said over the weekend was, “I’m trying on this personality.” She meant that introverts should conform to the social ideal of an extrovert. Many introverts feel that they have to behave a certain way in public. For example, they behave more sociably and openly, which contrasts with their desire to be alone.

So, there is often a mental conflict between who you are going to be when you attend social situations. You have to decide which introvert you will be.

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Although the Myers-Briggs Indicator is a popular personality assessment method for determining introversion, it has recently been challenged by the psychological community. According to the book Personality is not permanent by Dr. Benjamin Hardy, Myers-Briggs was created in the 1940s and was not based on scientific evidence.

Rather than conforming to a specific personality type, personality is now seen as flexible. Hardy states that there are five personality factors that exist on a continuum.

5 main factors of the personality of an introvert

In different situations and circumstances, you show yourself differently. Also, life experiences shape you. So, your personality develops over time. If you’ve ever felt like you’re becoming more introverted as you get older, it means you’re closer to one end of the spectrum.

Note where you are on the continuum for each of these five factors:

1. How open you are to learning and experiencing new things
2. How organized, motivated and goal-oriented you are
3. How energetic and connected you are to other people
4. How friendly and optimistic you are towards other people
5. How well you deal with stress and other negative emotions

Number 3 above is where introversion or introversion comes into play.

Have you noticed that in a close circle of friends you are more sociable? Introverts feel energized after interacting with the right people, but feel drained after superficial conversations. This demonstrates movement on a continuum with a flexible introverted personality.

Do you love personality assessments? The Enneagram score also explains the multifaceted nature of your personality.

Find out your Enneagram type here!

Am I an introvert?

Before you can develop your guide to peace in this over-stimulating world, you need to know if you are an introvert. Because there are so many points on each of the five factor continuums, it is difficult to say that all introverts behave in a certain way. Many quirks are attributed to introverts, even if they are not true.

Introversion is your energetic trait. Prolonged social interaction will drain your social battery. Then you will have to be alone to recharge your energy.

Rather than conforming to a specific personality type, personality is now seen as flexible.

Introverts are often considered shy because of their quiet nature. However, as explained by Silence: The power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking Susan Kane, not all introverts are shy.

Introverts naturally listen, observe and gather information before speaking. An introvert’s personality strength is thinking things through, processing information, and then choosing the best course of action.

Introverts also tend to be creative, intuitive, empathetic, sensitive, humble, modest, and assertive.

About 70% of introverts are Highly Sensitive People (HSP). HSPs feel emotions very deeply. HSP can cry at the beauty of a sunset. HSPs can be annoyed by loud noises. With so many distractions in today’s world, introverts and HSPs need ways to manage their energy and avoid overstimulation.

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Here are 4 ways to nurture your introverted personality to find more peace every day:

Introverts have special requirements for their unique personality that, if met, can help nurture them and cultivate a sense of calm. If not nurtured, introverts can feel overwhelmed, overstimulated, and exhausted. Prevent it with these four suggestions.

1. Accept who you are

About 50% of the world’s population consider themselves introverts. There is no shame in being quiet and thoughtful.

With constant pressure to speak up in meetings or attend social events, introverts must decide whether to seek a work environment that rewards extroverts or to put their own energy first.

To use the example of the workplace, the person who speaks first in meetings usually leads the group’s thinking. Because introverts prefer time to think, you may feel pressured to speak before you’re ready.

When you’re asked to give your thoughts in a meeting and you need more time to process your thoughts, say, “I give my best feedback when I have time to gather my thoughts. Can I get back to you in 2 hours?” If the decision is not urgent, rely on your power to think through the information.

Making peace means accepting who you are as an introvert. You know you need alone time to be your best self. Embrace it instead of doing things that work against it.

Some days you’ll have the energy to socialize, and some days you won’t. Listen to your body and be kind to yourself when you decide you have a priority.

On days when your social battery is dead, that means saying no to extracurricular activities and retreating to your sanctuary. This does not mean forcing yourself to be social.

Need help saying no? Read: Learn to say “No” and set healthy boundaries

2. Recovery from the center of attention

Moments in the spotlight are a part of life. For introverts, leading a meeting and giving a presentation—anytime you’re the center of attention—feels like a performance. It’s like being on stage when all the attention is on you. These performances will get your energy out.

On the days you perform, it’s important to have a recovery plan. For introverts, part of stepping out of their comfort zone is finding a way to expand their capabilities during and develop themselves afterward.

A walk after a performance calms the nervous system. Journaling how you feel is another way to clear your head and return to a calm state.

The main thing is that you engage in activities that promote emotional processing. When you address your emotions, you release stress from your body.

13 ways to tell if you’re emotionally healthy (and how to get there if you’re not)

3. Reduce overthinking

Emotions such as nervousness, irritation, and disrespect often lead to overthinking. Due to the ability to think slowly, an introverted personality tends to reason. When your mind is racing instead of sleeping, it interferes with energy and clarity.

Fortunately, there are many ways to silence the voice in your head. Book Chatter Ethan Cross offers research-based solutions, including expressive writing. Using a pen and paper, write (without editing) all the thoughts and feelings in your head. Then tear it up and throw it away! After that, you will notice an improvement in your mood.

Physical contact is another way to curb overthinking. A simple hug from a friend or family member will do the trick. But if this is not possible, a soft cozy sweater or weighted blanket will also help.

Looking at photos of loved ones is calming when your mind is racing. When you find yourself in a spiral of negative thoughts, scroll through the photos in your phone’s camera roll. Stop and think about the person and the memories.

The endless chatter in your head makes you feel out of control. So, take back control by organizing your personal space. Remove piles of paper from your desk and file them away, donate clothes, organize your junk drawer, make a list of projects that need to be done.

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4. Control what you can

Control is a basic human need. However, the ability to recognize what is out of your control is constantly improving. As a control freak, I’m still learning ways to let go.

Control freaks hold on tight because of subconscious fears. When you identify your fears, you will realize how much is out of your control. It’s a great relief to realize that you don’t have to take on so much responsibility.

Sound like you? Read: How to let go of your internal control and enjoy life as it comes

You can’t control what people think of you. You can approve and love yourself.

You can’t always control how much money you make. You can be reliable, visible, and perform quality work to be eligible for promotions and raises.

You can’t control your children, but you can teach them appropriate behavior and responsibility.

You can’t control your partner, but you can have conversations about equal responsibilities. You can also choose to accept their flaws as they have accepted yours.

You can’t control what people post online, so limit the time you spend scrolling and interacting. Read, listen to podcasts, meditate, and spend time outdoors when you need some time to lift your spirits.

You cannot control the future, and learning ways to effectively manage stress and anxiety will shift your personality to the calmer side of the continuum.

Find peace and thrive as an introvert in an extrovert world

Peace comes from a decision – a decision that you can handle whatever the world throws at you. Peace means having the tools to feel empowered despite overstimulating circumstances.

It’s time for introverts to lead the world to greater inner peace.

Being an introvert is not a negative trait or weakness. In fact, it is a beautiful gift that, when honored rather than repressed, has great power. Introverts have the opportunity to show that this world that glorifies extroverts embraces more feelings and more thinking.

It’s time for introverts to lead the world to greater inner peace. Let’s lead the way.

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